Does the Jehovah Read the Same Bible as Christians

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Old 05-15-2012, 05:31 AM

Location: Pacific Northwest

353 posts, read 912,682 times

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I'm fairly sure almost Protestants and Catholics agree that religions similar Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness are not considered Christian religions, even though both employ the Bible as a holy text, but do most Protestants and Catholics agree that each other tin be considered Christian?

Old 05-15-2012, 06:49 AM


vii,579 posts, read 9,235,059 times

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Originally Posted by PostSecularist View Post

I'm fairly sure nearly Protestants and Catholics agree that religions like Mormonism and Jehovah'due south Witness are not considered Christian religions, fifty-fifty though both use the Bible as a holy text, only practise most Protestants and Catholics agree that each other tin can be considered Christian?

information technology would be exceedingly rare for a catholic to regard a protestant equally not beingness a christian , information technology is much more common for protestants to view catholics as non beingness christian

im now athiest just was a practiscing catholic untill i was xx one , i view both equally christian

Old 05-15-2012, 07:12 AM


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I believe that anyone who does what the Bible says to practice for conservancy will be saved, regardless of what denomination they consider themselves to exist. Jesus'south promises are trustworthy and true. Do what He says to do for salvation and yous will exist saved. Don't do information technology and you won't.

Old 05-xv-2012, 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by PostSecularist View Post

I'm adequately sure most Protestants and Catholics hold that religions like Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness are not considered Christian religions, even though both utilize the Bible as a holy text, but do most Protestants and Catholics agree that each other can exist considered Christian?

Yep. To everything you post, more or less.
Protestants and Catholics don't view LDS and JW folks as Christians, Moderator cut: delete Protestants and Catholics typically view each other as Christians, with the only exceptions being somefundamentalists who that merits some of usa have NOT been born-again. I guess baptism doesn't count.

Last edited by Miss Blue; 05-xv-2012 at 09:37 AM.. Reason: politics are off topic

Old 05-15-2012, 08:47 AM


Location: NY

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I know my pastor actually does not feel Catholics are true Christians. However, I have to concur with Bideshi... a Christian is someone who has organized religion in Jesus. No denomination of church building has an exclusive on having faith in our Lord.

Old 05-15-2012, 11:54 AM


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Originally Posted by Checkered24 View Post

I know my pastor really does not experience Catholics are truthful Christians. However, I have to agree with Bideshi... a Christian is someone who has faith in Jesus. No denomination of church has an sectional on having faith in our Lord.

probabley makes him feel important making theese proclamations from a great acme , know the blazon

Old 05-15-2012, 01:30 PM


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Originally Posted by PostSecularist View Post

I'chiliad fairly sure most Protestants and Catholics agree that religions like Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness are not considered Christian religions, fifty-fifty though both employ the Bible as a holy text,

They both do not utilize the same KJV Bible as the Protestants.

  • Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness have their own versions
    • Joseph Smith'southward Translation of the Bible (JST)
      • ** I had the privilege of having two Mormons elders in my house last week ... and they used the JST which is dissimilar than the 1611 KJV
    • Jehovah's Witnesses' has New World Translation (NWT)

And Catholics practise non use the aforementioned KJV Bible as the Protestants.

  • Catholicism includes the Apocrypha every bit scriptures whereas the protestants practise not have the Apocrypha

Both nonetheless hold that Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness are not considered Christian religions


Originally Posted by PostSecularist View Post

but do most Protestants and Catholics concur that each other tin be considered Christian?

Offically per decree by RCC:

  • that those who turn down the papacy are not
    • The official announcement of papal infallibility was decreed past Vatican I in 1870. In the 1960s, papal say-so was reaffirmed past Vatican II, which declared:

      Religious submission of will and mind must be shown in a special way to the accurate teaching of the Roman Pontiff even when he is not speaking ex cathedra [that is, in a formal doctrinal decree] (Vatican 2, p. 48)

The Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ and as pastor of the entire church, has total, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church building, a power which he can always exercise unhindered (Par. 882).

The Supreme Pontiff, head of the college of bishops, enjoys this infallibility in virtue of his role, when, as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful--who confirms his brethren in the organized religion--he proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine pertaining to faith or morals (Par. 891).

  • that those who don't belong to the RCC are not
    • (search Dodknox posts and threads for examples)

Last edited by twin.spin; 05-15-2012 at 01:forty PM..

Old 05-fifteen-2012, 01:51 PM


Location: Southern California

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Originally Posted by PostSecularist View Post

I'm fairly certain well-nigh Protestants and Catholics agree that religions like Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness are not considered Christian religions, even though both use the Bible as a holy text, simply do almost Protestants and Catholics concur that each other can be considered Christian?

Any sect or denomination that adheres to the Apostle's Creed, even if they don't use the actual Creed in their Church, are Christian to me. And really, it is merely a few fringe extemist "christian" sects that don't believe Catholicism is christian. As to whether non-Catholics are or volition be "saved"....that is up to God.

The Apostle'southward Creed:



I believe in God, the Father Omnipotent, Creator of Sky and world;
and in Jesus Christ, His simply Son Our Lord,
Who was conceived past the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell; the 3rd 24-hour interval He rose again from the expressionless;
He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the correct hand of God, the Begetter omnipotent; from thence He shall come up to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic [some texts substitute the word "christian" hither] Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.

Read more: http://www/devotionals/prayers/creed2.htm


Old 05-15-2012, 01:57 PM


Location: arizona ... most of the time

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Originally Posted by Checkered24 View Post

I know my pastor actually does non feel Catholics are true Christians. Still, I accept to agree with Bideshi... a Christian is someone who has faith in Jesus. No denomination of church has an exclusive on having faith in our Lord.

In the strickest sense, your pastor would be correct. Catholicism still maintains today the same issues that was present at the reformation:

1) The official declaration of papal infallibility... decreed by Vatican I in 1870, reaffirmed by Vatican II in the 1960s

2) The Quango of Trent cursed the biblical doctrine of salvation by grace alone through faith lonely. It alleged:

"If anyone says that justifying faith is nothing else than trust in divine mercy, which remits sins for Christ'south sake, or that it is by trust alone past which nosotros are justified, let him be damned [anathema] (Canon XII).
iii) Catholic teaching still gives a share in the piece of work of salvation to Mary.. apropos her role in salvation the RCC canon says:
Espousing the divine will for salvation wholeheartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely to the person and work of her Son; she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with him and dependent on him, by God'south grace.
As St. Irenaeus says, "Beingness obedient she became the cause of conservancy for herself and the whole human race" (Par. 494).

iv) Traditional Catholic doctrines such every bit granting equal authorization to Scripture and tradition, purgatory, and the sacrifice of the mass.

Old 05-fifteen-2012, 07:47 PM


Location: Liberal Coast

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Originally Posted by PostSecularist View Post

I'yard adequately sure most Protestants and Catholics agree that religions like Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness are not considered Christian religions, fifty-fifty though both employ the Bible as a holy text, just do most Protestants and Catholics concur that each other can be considered Christian?

There isn't one answer to this. Nowadays, most Catholics would consider Protestants Christian and often refer to Catholics as "Catholics" and Protestants every bit "Christians." Many Protestants consider Catholics to be Christians, but many do not consider them to be Christians. Typically, the more fundamental the Protestant, the less probable he is to consider a Catholic a Christian.

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