Advanced Nutrients Coco Feeding Schedule Cannabas

Feeding schedule and Advanced Nutrients products

Feeding schedule and Advanced Nutrients products, available at Calle 25

In this blog post you will find the feeding schedule and description of all Advanced Nutrients products, since Calle25 has all of them to sell, although you can also buy them at Themariashop. In our online grow shop we tell you everything in detail!

Advanced Nutrients base fertilizers

Sensi Grow Part A and B (Growth fertilizer)

Sensi grow part A and B by Advanced Nutrients is a mineral growth fertilizer, it is the perfect formula for your crops to grow in an outstanding way. Sensi grow A and B combine the necessary primary, secondary and micronutrient nutrients, some even in multiple chelated forms for effortless absorption by plants. In addition, it has a wide range of amino acids to promote construction in roots, stems and leaves. Sensi Grow A + B includes the pH Perfect technology, regulates the pH of the water automatically.

Sensi Grow A+B

-> Buy Sensi Grow A + B from € 12.50

Dosage and directions for use of Sensi Grow A + B:

Start using Sensi grow when the plants have 2 to 3 levels of leaves and during the entire growth phase. Always use the same dose of A as of B.

- Dose in seedlings or cuttings: 1ml per liter of water.

- Dose in young plants (3 or 4 levels of leaves): 2ml per liter of water.

- Dose in adult plants: Maximum 4ml per liter of water.

* Sensi Grow A & B is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops and coconut crops, although for coconut crops we advise you to use Sensi coco Grow A + B.

Sensi Bloom Part A and B (Flowering fertilizer)

Sensi Bloom A + B by Advanced Nutrients is a mineral fertilizer for the flowering phase, with Sensi bloom you will get large, heavier and more resinous buds in your crops. Sensi bloom grows crops brimming with buds. It can be used in soil crops, coco and hydroponics. Sensi Bloom A + B includes the pH Perfect technology, regulates the pH of the water automatically.

Sensi Bloom A+B

-> Buy Sensi Bloom A & B from € 12.50

Dosage and directions for use of Sensi Bloom A + B:

Once the growth cycle is finished, we will stop using Sensi Grow or Connoisseur Grow and we will start using Sensi Bloom A + B. Always use the same dose of A as of B.

- Dose: Maximum 4ml per liter of water.

* Sensi Bloom A & B is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops and coconut crops, although for coconut crops we advise you to use Sensi coco Bloom A + B.

Connoisseur Grow A + B (Professional Growth Fertilizer)

Connoisseur Grow A + B is the right growth fertilizer for expert marijuana growers. Connoisseur Grow has the most powerful and powerful ingredients on the market, guaranteed to bring crops to the most productive growth phase possible. With Connoisseur Grow you can get rid of your pH meters forever because it includes the pH perfect technology and automatically regulates and maintains the pH at the optimum point each week of your cultivation.

Connoisseur Bloom A+B

-> Buy Connoisseur Grow A + B from 16 €

Dosage and directions for use of Sensi Grow A + B:

Start using Connoisseur Grow A + B when the plants have 2 to 3 levels of leaves and during the entire growth phase. Always use the same dose of A as of B.

- Dose in seedlings or cuttings: 1ml per liter of water.

- Dose in young plants (3 or 4 levels of leaves): 2ml per liter of water.

- Dose in adult plants: Maximum 4ml per liter of water.

* Connoisseur Grow A & B is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops and coconut crops, although for coconut crops we advise you to use Connoisseur coco Grow A + B.

Connoisseur Bloom A + B (Professional flowering fertilizer)

Connoisseur bloom A + B by Advanced Nutrients is an excellent, safe and easy-to-use flowering fertilizer, both in soil, coco and hydroponics. Connoisseur bloom A + B by Advanced Nutrients creates larger, heavier and denser blooms than previously thought possible in indoor growing. Connoisseur bloom A + B by Advanced Nutrients contains nutrients of the highest quality. The two components of Connoisseur bloom A + B from Advanced Nutrients contain the blend of pH balancing and stabilizing compounds. Connoisseur bloom A + B by Advanced Nutrients begins to be used one week after flowering begins, and its effects on yield are immediate.

Connoisseur Bloom A+B

-> Buy Connoisseur Bloom A + B from 16 €

Dosage and directions for use of Connoisseur Bloom A + B:

Once the growth cycle is finished, we will stop using Sensi Grow or Connoisseur Grow and start using Connoisseur Bloom A + B. Always use the same dose of A as of B.

Dosage: Mix 2 to 4ml per liter of water.

* Connoisseur Bloom A & B is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops, although for coconut crops we advise you to use Connoisseur coco bloom A + B.

Do you want to expand the root mass?

All growers know the great trick of a good root mass. Without it, you can't grow on a large scale and have a room full of buds. Use the supplements below as a stand-alone supplement. If you use them together, each one works in synergy to produce something different and from a different root zone.

Voodoo Juice (Root Stimulator)

Imagine doubling the size of the root so that it can absorb the nutrients to the maximum. Visualize those thick, extensive roots absorbing energy and nutrients for further growth and consequently higher yields. With Voodoo Juice the mass of your roots will triple and you can have roots up to a meter long.

Voodoo Juice

--> Buy Voodoo Juice from €18,50

Dosage and how to use Voodoo juice:

Apply during the first two weeks of growth and the first two weeks of flowering.

Dosage: Mix 2ml per liter of water.

* Voodoo Juice is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops.

Piranha (Root stimulator)

When you introduce Piranha into the root zone, the fungi will help expand the surface area of your plants roots. Piranha has been shown to help your crops get up to 86% more nitrogen and 75% more potassium than if grown without these mushrooms.


--> Buy Piranha from €18,50

Dosage and how to use Piranha:

Apply during the first two weeks of growth and the first two weeks of flowering.

Dosage: Mix 2ml per liter of water.

* Piranha is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops.

Tarantula (Root Stimulator)

Most crops lack the microorganisms that swell roots and increase yields. So with Tarantula, whose beneficial bacteria promote another rhizospheric life better and even reduce the damage of heavy fertilizer salts.

These bacteria help chlorophyll, so your high intensity lighting will be more effective.


--> Buy Tarantula from €18,50

Dosage and how to use Tarantula:

Apply during the first two weeks of growth and the first two weeks of flowering.

Dosage: Mix 2ml per liter of water.

* Tarantula is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops.

Get bigger and stronger buds

Bud Ignitor (Bloom Stimulator)

Bud Ignitor transfers brutal energy during vegetative growth to a massive explosion of flowers. Once the lights are changed, you will begin to see prolific shoots, only after five days. With Bud ignitor you will also get more buds per centimeter of branch and those swollen buds will be bigger and denser. The ingredients in bud ignitor are 100% clean and non-toxic.

Bud Ignitor

--> Buy Bud Ignitor from €21,50

Dosage and how to use Bud Ignitor:

Apply during the first two weeks of flowering.

Dosage: Mix 2ml per liter of water.

* Bud Ignitor is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops.

Big Bud (Bloom stimulator)

With Big bud your buds will get a huge boost of amino acids. The buds will gain in size, mass and potency from the rich variety of bioavailable L-amino acids in the formulation. Big bud helps to get the necessary amounts of phosphorus and potassium for a strong flowering. Plus, the addition of L-Ascorbic Acid from Big Bud propels your crops to peak performance, protecting them from the antioxidant.

Big Bud

--> Buy Big Bud from €11 

Dosage and how to use Big Bud:

Apply during week 2, 3 and 4 of flowering.

Dosage: Mix 2ml per liter.

* Big Bud is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops, although for coconut crops we advise you to use Big Bud Coco.

Overdrive (Bloom stimulator)

During the finishing phase, after the peak flowering phase, with Overdrive you can still get more out of your plants. With Overdrive you will revitalize your crops with a second wind. Your buds will be heavier and denser and will fill your structures with additional essential oils, well beyond the point where the late flowering phase is normally already slowing down. With those essential oils come better flavors, fragrances, and colors.


--> Buy Overdrive from €10

Dosage and directions for use of Overdrive:

Apply during weeks 5 and 6 of flowering.

Dosage: Mix 2ml per liter of water.

* Overdrive is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops.

Bud enhancer and stem strengthener

It is also important that the plants sit on strong foundations and that the growers strengthen the stems so that the plants know that they can increase the weight and size of the buds, because they have the strength to support them.

Rhino Skin

Your plants also use energy defending themselves against pathogens, heat, and other factors. To give them energy, comes Rhino Skin. Rhino Skin's silicon boosts trichomes and accompanying essential oils for stronger harvests. Protects crops by mortifying the spaces between cell walls and hardening them. Rhino Skin supports straighter plants for its heavy buds and with its protection the plant can focus its energy on other vital functions such as photosynthesis.Rhino Skin

--> Buy Rhino Skin from €8

Rhino Skin dosage and directions for use:

Apply Rhino skin throughout the flowering cycle.

Dosage: Mix 2ml per liter of water.

* Rhino Skin is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops.

Nirvana (100% organic flowering stimulator)

Nirvana is the product you need if you are committed to growing organic. It's the powerhouse of natural ingredients to ensure bigger yields and bigger buds. Nirvana supports the health of its crops with selected organic ingredients, like bat guano. With Nirvana you will get plants with quality, aroma, and resin production without the use of synthetic nutrients.


--> Buy Nirvana from €6

Dosage and how to use Nirvana:

Apply Nirvana from the 3rd week of flowering to the 6th week.

(It can also be applied in growth once a week).

Dosage: 2ml per liter of water.

* Nirvana is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops.

B-52 (Vitamins)

B-52 is a proprietary blend of six different B vitamins along with seaweed extract rich in amino acids, humic acids, fulvic acid, and a variety of nutrients to help your plants thrive. The goal of B-52 is to amplify the plant's overall metabolism, stimulate growth, and strengthen it to fight light, cold, and drought.B-52

--> Buy B-52 from €11

Dosage and how to use B-52:

Apply B-52 during all growth and flowering periods from the 3rd week to the 6th week.

Dosage: 2ml per liter of water.

* B-52 is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops.

Bud Factor X (Bloom stimulator)

Bud Factor X arrives to provide the magnesium that your plant needs. The crop may need magnesium to help balance the use of high potassium fertilizers used in the hydroponic industry. With Bud Factor X you can solve typical problems such as interveinal chlorosis in older leaves or yellowing.

Bud Ignitor X

--> Buy Bud Factor X from €21,50

Dosage and directions for use of Bud Factor X:

Apply throughout the flowering period.

Dosage: 2ml per liter of water.

* Bud factor X is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coco crops.

Flavor, aroma and resin enhancers

Bud Candy and Flawless Finish are two bud flavor enhancers that will help ensure the highest quality product by maximizing the start and end of your crop's life cycle.

Bud Candy (Resin and flavor enhancer)

Bud Candy provides plant extracts that enhance flowering and increase essential oils for greater potency, better aroma, better flavor, and sharper pigments for deeper colors. Bud Candy provides both simple and complex carbohydrates and gives your plants an instantly accessible source of energy to channel into flower growth. The rest of the Bud Candy is stored for future ripening. In addition, the roots will feed on additional nutrients that will provide the plant with a greater mass of roots.

Bud Candy

--> Buy Bud Candy from €8

Dose and how to use Bud Candy:

Apply Bud Candy throughout the flowering period.

Dosage: 2ml per liter of water.

* Bud Candy is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops. But for organic crops we advise you to use Bud candy Organic.

Flawless Finish

Plants accumulate excess salts and other harmful compounds that must be removed. Instead of rinsing the plant under running water, you should add Flawless Finish. Flawless Finish uses empty chelates, which are like tiny vacuums to remove excess chemical residue from your crop, roots, fruits and flowers. With Flawless Finish you will have the cleanest and sweetest harvest possible.

Flawless Finish

--> Buy Flawless Finish from €5

Dosage and directions for use of Flawless Finish:

Apply Flawless Finish the last week of flowering.

Dosage: Mix 2ml per liter of water.

* Flawless Finish is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops. But for organic crops it is not necessary to use it.

Turn waste into nutrients!

Sensizym (Enzymes)

Sensizym is a product specialized in fighting diseases of the roots of your plants and in maximizing the absorption of nutrients. Plants also accumulate organic debris and if left in the root zone it can affect the growth of your plant. Sensizym is a combination of bioactive enzymes that breaks down waste in the root zone well. With Sensizym you can also reuse grow substrates such as rock wool and coconut coir for another life cycle of the crop, which can save you money.Sensizym

--> Buy Sensizym from €8,50

Sensizym dosage and directions for use:

Apply Sensizym throughout the flowering period together with the rest of the fertilizers.

Dosage: 2ml per liter of water.

* Sensizym is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops. But for organic crops we advise you to use Sensizym Organic.

Miracle cures for growing!

With these three Advanced Nutrients products you will have a perfect first aid kit on hand to protect your growing investment.

Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra (Deficiency Corrector)

If you feel that the calcium and magnesium levels are not adequate, Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra is a must. You will perceive it with a delay in the growth of the plant and the yellowish leaves. In that case, you need Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra, a calcium and magnesium supplement formulated with the unique proportions of Ca, Mg and Fe found in the plants we grow.

Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra

--> Buy Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra from €8

Dosage and directions for use of Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra:

Add 2 ml per liter of water, once a week to prevent deficiencies.

Add 2 ml per liter of water, in each watering if our cannabis plants suffer any deficiency, until they return to their natural color.

Add 2 ml per liter of water in a foliar way, once a week during the growth phase and the first flowering phase.

* Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops.

Revive (Deficiency Corrector)

If your plants need to revive, buy Revive. Revive is a concentrated blend of proprietary ingredients that could quickly reverse wilted and unhealthy plants.

Revive is made up of nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. Revive allows to rejuvenate crops if they enter the most classic problems: nutrient deficiency, for example. If you catch the problem in time and spray the plant with revive, the product will run towards the roots and leaves and will be distributed throughout the vascular system.


--> Buy Revive €8

Dosage and directions for use of Revive:

Add 1 ml per liter of irrigation water, once a week as a preventive method.

Add 2 - 3 ml per liter of irrigation water when our plants need a kick to revive.

We can also apply Revive foliarly, for this we will add 5ml per liter of water and spray the entire plant, both leaves, branches, stems. It must be sprayed in the dark, that is, when we have our interior light off, or if it is outdoors at dusk. With this method, we will apply Revive once a week.

We will add 2 - 4 ml per liter of water, in hydroponic systems once a week.

* Revive is valid for soil crops, hydroponic crops, aeroponic crops and coconut crops.

Are you interested in coconut compound nutrients?

Growing with coconut coir is an ideal method for environmentally conscious growers, although it certainly carries a risk of nutrient deficiencies, especially the limiting factor in coconut is iron.

Being aware of this, Advanced Nutrients have solved the problem because each Coco pH perfect base nutrient completely eliminates all obstacles, providing the necessary iron, to grow safely and productively, even if the plants are grown in coconut fiber.

Sensi Coco Grow Part A and B (Coco Growth Fertilizer)

pH perfect Sensi Coco Grow is the two-part base nutrient needed to solve the problem of nutrient deficiency, which can be caused by growing with coconut coir. pH perfect Sensi Coco Grow provides the right amount of potassium to avoid the toxicity of the element, since it is composed of abundant coconut. Also pH perfect Sensi Coco Grow contains magnesium and calcium to feed your plants. Most importantly: pH perfect Sensi Coco Grow provides the necessary iron that your plant may lack due to growing with coconut.

Sensi Coco Grow A+B

--> Buy Sensi Coco Grow A+B from €14,50

Dosage and directions for use of Sensi Coco Grow A + B:

Add 1 ml per liter of Part A water and 1 ml per liter of Part B water, during the first week of growth.

Add 2 ml per liter of Part A water and 2 ml per liter of Part B water, during the second week of growth.

Add between 3 or 4 ml per liter of Part A water and 3 or 4 ml per liter of Part B water, from the third week of growth, until the end of the growth cycle.

Sensi Coco Bloom Part A and B (Coco Bloom Fertilizer)

pH Perfect Sensi Coco bloom is an ideal product for the flowering phase, for when you grow with coconut fiber. To produce large and heavy buds, without having to worry about the pH because it always keeps it optimal. Plants will benefit from micronutrients that they might be starved of if you grow coconut, such as calcium or magnesium.

Sensi Coco Bloom A+B

--> Buy Sensi Coco Bloom A+B from €14,50

Dosage and directions for use of Sensi Coco Bloom A + B:

We will add 2 to 3ml per liter of Part A water and 2 to 3ml per liter of Part B water, during the first two weeks of flowering.

We will add 4 ml per liter of Part A water and 4 ml per liter of Part B water, during the entire flowering phase up to a week before harvesting.

Connoisseur Coco Grow Part A and B (Professional Coco Growth Fertilizer)

pH Perfect Connoisseur Coco Grow is the base nutrient suitable for the most perfectionists - and experienced! - in their cultivation. pH Perfect Connoisseur Coco Grow contains the most potent and powerful ingredients to bring your crops to the most productive growth phase possible. With pH Perfect Connoisseur Coco Grow you will find abundant amounts of iron that are needed in coconut fiber. Plus you can ditch your pH meters because pH Perfect Connoisseur Coco Grow keeps the pH at the optimum point.

Connoisseur Coco Grow A+B

--> Buy Connoisseur Coco Grow A+B from €18,50

Dosage and instructions for use of Connoisseur Coco Grow A + B:

We will add 1 ml per liter of Part A water and 1 ml per liter of Part B water, during the first week of growth.

We will add 2 ml per liter of Part A water and 2 ml per liter of Part B water, during the second week of growth.

We will add 3 to 4 ml per liter of Part A water and 3 to 4 ml per liter of Part B water, from the third week of growth, until the end of the growth cycle.

Connoisseur Coco Bloom Part A and B (Professional Coco flowering fertilizer)

Connoisseur Coco Bloom A+B

--> Buy Connoisseur Coco Bloom A+B from €18,50

Dosage and directions for use of Connoisseur Coco Bloom A + B:

We will add 2 to 3ml per liter of Part A water and 2 to 3ml per liter of Part B water, from the second week of flowering to the third week.

We will add 3 to 4 ml per liter of Part A water and 3 to 4 ml per liter of Part B water, from the fourth week of flowering to a week before harvesting.

Big Bud Coco (Coconut bloom stimulator)

With Coco Big Bud Coco your plants will gain size, mass and potency from the bioavailable protein in its formulation. Plants will obtain optimal amounts of phosphorus and potassium for strong flowering, plus with this perfectly marked PK peak, they will obtain a broad spectrum of secondary metabolites, allowing them to spend less time producing their own amino acids. Big Bud Coco gets excellent results from coconut coir.

Big Bud Coco

--> Buy Big Bud Coco from €12,00

Dosage and directions for use of Big Bud Coco:

We will add 2 ml per liter of water from the first week to the fourth week of flowering.

From the fifth we will add Overdrive, which is a stimulator suitable for growing in coconut fiber.

If you want a true organic Grow, then you need Advanced Nutrients Organic OIM Line

Unlike many other companies that claim their products are "organic," ours are truly organic and certified organic by IOM by the California Organic Input Materials (OIM) Program, the highest standard.

Advanced nutrients organic line

Iguana Juice Grow Organic OIM (Organic growth fertilizer)

Iguana Juice Grow by Advanced Nutrients is a 100% organic growth fertilizer, it is composed of a balanced mixture of natural macro and micro nutrients, in which it provides our plants with everything necessary for the growth phase and development of the roots. With Iguana Juice Grow we will obtain incredible results with plants ready to face the flowering stage with strength and vigor.

Iguana Grow Organic Oim

--> Buy Iguana Juice Grow Organic OIM from €32,00

Dosage and directions for use of Iguana Juice Grow Organic OIM:

For seedlings and cuttings, we will add 1 ml per 1 liter of water.

For small plants with 3-4 pairs of leaves, we will add 2 ml per 1 liter of water.

During the growth phase we will add 4 ml per 1 liter of water.

Iguana Juice Bloom Organic OIM (Organic flowering fertilizer)

Iguana Juice Bloom from the fertilizer brand Advanced Nutrients is a 100% organic base fertilizer for flowering, certified by OIM (Organic Input Material). All the ingredients that make up this fertilizer are of natural origin, providing the best food that can be offered to our plants.

Iguana Bloom Organic Oim

--> Buy Iguana Juice Bloom Organic OIM from €32,00

Dosage and directions for use of Iguana Juice Bloom Organic OIM:

Add 4 ml per liter of irrigation water throughout the flowering phase, 2 to 3 times a week.

Larger buds, with organic products

Big Bud Organic OIM (Biological Bloom Stimulator)

Big Bud Organic OIM

--> Buy Big Bud Organic OIM

Dosage and directions for use of Big Bud Organic OIM:

Add 2 ml per liter of water, from the second week to the fourth week of flowering.

Bud Candy Organic OIM (Biological Resin and Flavor Enhancer)

Bud Candy Organic OIM from the Advanced Nutrients brand of fertilizers is a 100% organic additive certified with the OIM seal. We will be able to increase the size of our buds, the formation of resin and we will enhance the flavor and aromas.Bud Candy Organic OIM

--> Buy Bud Candy Organic OIM

Dosage and directions for use of Bud Candy Organic OIM:

Add 2 ml per liter of water, from the first week of flowering, until the week before washing the roots.

It can be applied foliarly, in this way we will add 2 ml per liter of water during the first four weeks of flowering.

Ancient Earth Organic OIM (Biological Bloom Stimulator)

Ancient Earth Organic is a product that aims to maximize plant yields and increase them, with a natural source of short and long chain humic acids that work together. Ancient Earth Organic is a perfect nutrient to benefit plant growth, improve nutrition, stimulate root branching, increase enzyme function and maximize cell metabolism.

Ancient Earth Organic OIM

--> Buy Ancient Earth Organic OIM from €11,00

Dosage and how to use Ancient Earth Organic OIM:

We will add 2 ml per liter of water throughout the cultivation, once a week.

Mother Earth Super Tea Organic IOM (Flowering Supplement)

Mother Earth Super Tea Organic OIM from the fertilizer brand Advanced Nutrients is an organic supplement for the flowering phase. It is composed of enzymes, microelements, macroelements, beneficial bacteria and vitamins.Mother Earth Organic OIM

--> Buy Mother Earth Super Tea Organic OIM from €18

Dosage and directions for use of Mother Earth Super Tea Organic OIM:

We will add 2 ml per liter of water during the entire flowering phase.

Sensizym Organic OIM

Sensizym Organic OIM from the Advanced Nutrients fertilizer brand is a 100% organic enzyme complex with which we will transform organic compounds, mineral salts and nutrients that remain stagnant in the substrate and that our roots cannot absorb. So with Sensizym Organic OIM we will be able to undo these stagnant organic remains and mineral salts, so that our plants can nourish themselves with them.Sensizym Organic Oim

--> Buy Sensizym Organic OIM

Dosage and directions for use of Sensizym Organic OIM:

We will add 2 ml per liter of water during the entire flowering phase, once or twice a week.

Advanced Nutrients feeding chart:

Below you will find the Advanced Nutrients cultivation tables, the tables have been made by the Calle25 team and are indicative, since all plants are different and need different amounts of fertilizer.

We have made tables for growth, for flowering, for autoflowering plants, for 100% organic crops and for coconut crops. Tables in which we can mix the entire range of the brand's products, but with different base fertilizers.

Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow & Bloom feeding chart

If we use Sensi Grow A + B base fertilizers, we will always use the same dose of A as of B. As for the stimulators that appear in the growth chart or in the flowering chart of advanced nutrients, it is not mandatory to use all of them , but they can all be used at the same time. As long as the doses indicated by the brand are respected. You can also consult the tables of advanced nutrients in Themariashop

Grow feeding chart

As for the Sensi Grow growth chart, we have done four weeks of growth, but this does not mean that we must do 4 weeks necessarily. We can pass our plants to flowering whenever we want, we will finish the growth table and we will go to the flowering table when we change the light cycle to 12 hours.

Sensi Grow A + B we will start using it when our plants reach the 3rd floor of leaves, we will start at 1ml for each liter of water (remember: 1ml of A + 1ml of B). We will increase the dose little by little, covering the needs of the plants.

As for stimulators and rooters, we can use whatever we want, we advise at least to use Voodo Juice. Depending on the level of the grower, we recommend using more or less products. If you are a novice grower we advise you to start with Sensi Grow A + B and Voodoo Juice, if you are an advanced grower you can add the other products to your mix.

Tabla Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow

Bloom feeding chart

In the Sensi Bloom table we have done 8 weeks of flowering, but all varieties are different. If the cultivated variety has more weeks of flowering, we will continue with the products and the doses of week 6, the weeks that are necessary. If the cultivated variety is faster than 8 weeks, we will remove week 6 and do week 7 and 8 a week before. We recommend cleaning the roots well at the end, in order to obtain higher quality crops.

Sensi Bloom A + B will start using it with 3ml per liter of water during the first week of flowering (remember: 3ml of A + 3ml of B). We will increase the dose to a maximum of 4ml per liter of water from the second week of flowering.

As for stimulators and additives, we can use whatever we want, we advise at least to use Voodoojuice, Big Bud, Overdrive and B-52, with this already abundant harvests are achieved. But if you are an advanced grower you can add the other products to your mix to get the best results.

Tabla Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom

Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow & Bloom feeding chart

In this table we have changed the basic fertilizer, we have substituted Sensi Grow for Connoisseur A + B. As with Sensi, we will always use the same dose of A as of B. The difference between the two is that Connoisseur is the most complete fertilizer and professional brand Advanced Nutrients, richer in NPK. As for the stimulators that appear in the growth chart or in the Advanced Nutrients flowering chart, it is not mandatory to use all of them, but they can all be used at the same time. As long as the doses indicated by the brand are respected.

Connoisseur grow feeding chart

The Connoisseur Grow chart has been formulated for 4 weeks of growth, but this does not require us to do 4 weeks. We can pass our plants to flowering whenever we want, we will finish the growth table and we will go to the flowering table when we change the light cycle to 12 hours.

We will start using Connoisseur Grow A + B when our plants reach the 3rd floor of leaves, we will start with 1ml for each liter of water (remember: 1ml of A + 1ml of B) and we will increase the dose little by little, covering the needs of the plants.

As for stimulators and rooters, we can use whatever we want, we advise at least to use Voodo Juice. Depending on the level of the grower, we recommend using more or less products. If you are a novice grower we advise you to start with Connoisseur A + B, Voodoo Juice and B-52. If you are an advanced grower you can add the other products to your mix.

Tabla Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Grow

Connoisseur Bloom feeding chart

The Connoisseur Bloom chart has been formulated for 8 week flowering strains, but all strains are different. If the cultivated variety has more than 8 weeks of flowering, we will continue with the products and the doses of week 6 for as many weeks as necessary. If the cultivated variety is faster than 8 weeks, we will remove week 6 and do week 7 and 8 a week before. We recommend cleaning the roots well at the end, in order to obtain higher quality crops.

We will start using Connoisseur Bloom A + B from the first week of flowering in 3ml per liter of water (remember: 3ml of A + 3ml of B). We will increase the dose to a maximum of 4ml per liter of water from the second week of flowering.

As for the stimulators and additives, we can use whatever we want, we advise at least to use Voodoo Juice, Big Bud, Overdrive and B-52, with this already very abundant harvests are achieved. But if you are an advanced grower you can add the other products to your mix to achieve better results.

Tabla Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom

Advanced Nutrients Organic feeding chart

Organic grow feeding chart

tabla organico crecimiento

Organic bloom feeding chart

Tabla orgánico floración

Advanced Nutrients feeding chart for Autoflowerings

Advanced Nutrients Autoflowering feeding chart (Sensi Grow & Bloom)

Tabla Advanced Nutrients Seni Grow & Bloom

Advanced Nutrients Autoflowering feeding chart (Connoisseur Grow & Bloom)

Tabla advanced Nutrients Connoisseur grow & Bloom

Advanced Nutrients Autoflowering feeding chart (Organic)

tabla autoflorecientes orgánico

Advanced Nutrients Coco feeding chart

Sensi Coco grow feeding chart

tabla crecimiento coco

Sensi Coco bloom feeding chart

Connoisseur Coco grow feeding chart

tabla crecimiento coco

Connoisseur Coco bloom feeding chart

tabla floracion coco


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